Monday, July 30, 2007

Gods Message on the Web - the ( and ( sites.

Greetings, My original website ( and ( were online from 2007-2010. The sites were originally called God's Message on the Web. You will find several hundred podcasts here from that time. Most of these were written by David Chadwell and used with permission.. I also completed an audio book and podcast series for Wayne Jacobsen and his book The Naked Church. I started podcasting after coming back to the Church after a twenty year hiatus. I grew up in a Church of Christ and had went back to this fundamental doctrine when I returned. I found a great Minister named David Chadwell who put all of his sermons from the years online and contacted the West Ark Church of Christ. They gave me immediate permission to begin Podcasting all of the lessons. It was a really happy time for me. I got to talk about God, and Jesus, and watched my Podcast downloads soar into the hundreds of thousands of downloads. Then, something happened, I had a fallout with my local Church of Christ in Indiana. We weren’t welcome anymore and the Minister, let’s just call him David E. left the State as well. I continued worshiping personally, doing my Podcasts, but we didn’t have a Church home. I was soul searching, I wanted to find another Church of Christ, but my wife would have nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, Women were not given a real voice, we’re asked to be silent, and told to submit to their husbands. I knew deep down, that God’ plan didn’t leave women as second hand citizens in the Kingdom. When I needed it the most I found The Examiner. It was filled with sound teachings from the Bible from a gentleman named Dusty Owens. I found out the word Church was a mistranslation of the Greek word Ekklesia. How King James was in on this and ordered the mistranslation to keep the government in charge of the Church. I was amazed. How absolutely liberating this was to have freedom in Jesus Christ and to throw away those chains that was the Church of Christ that I knew. I fell In with a crowd called TruthQuest. A mailing list on Yahoo groups. After some time we found a very promising place to worship in Carmel, Indiana. Our new Pastor Mark is an amazing guy. We’ve been going for a long time now, and we’ve taught classes there for seven years. When we first met, knowing my background, Pastor Mark looked me in the eye and shook my hand as I was leaving. He said “To be honest Greg, I don’t think you can do it, but why don’t you prove me wrong.” I asked Mark several years ago if I won that bet, he told me “anytime I wanted to.” Freedom in Christ is wonderful. It brought much studying which led me to the thought that maybe I was teaching some things that weren’t scriptural. And in a haste I pulled everything and shut the website down. I had recently met Wayne Jacobsen from and my walk with Christ had taken another significant turn. Wayne had just released, “So you don’t want to go to Church anymore? He had just published The Shack. With what I learned from Wayne, I turned to a friend Mike, who had written an amazing pamphlet called “Free to be, Just a Christian and with Mike’s permission I podcasted his work. He originally wrote this to include with Bible’s he was handing out on a mission. We’re back online now at and I’m releasing all of my podcasts again with new work.

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